Our Review Guidelines

The equipment reviews we provide at Rovin RV are unbiased and are based on personal experience, recommendations and solid in-depth research.

Some of our pages may include affiliate links which may earn rovinrv.com a commission at no extra cost to you.

At Rovin RV we evaluate and assign star ratings to any reviewed equipment, and we use a scoring process which includes five key categories:

  • Performance / Efficiency
  • Value For Money
  • Build Quality / Durability
  • Functionality / Features
  • User Reviews

Each category carries a different percentage weight, equaling a total of 100%.

Performance / Efficiency25 %
Build Quality / Durability20%
Functionality / Features20%
User Reviews20%
Value For Money15%

We convert the percentage scores into a 5-star system by assigning a star rating to the percentage in each category. Here’s the system:

5 stars: 90-100%
4 stars: 80-89%
3 stars: 70-79%
2 stars: 60-69%
1 star: 0-59%

We add up the weighted scores to find the overall percentage score, and finally, convert it into a 5-star rating using our rating scale.

By following this structured process, we hope to provide a fair and informative assessment that will help you make an informed decision about anything you’re thinking of purchasing.